Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Links

*Hunter S.Thompson's fantastic novel The Rum Diary has been adapted to screen. Actually it was adapted awhile ago, the film has been in limbo land for over a year now (why would anyone hesitate to distribute a Johnny Depp film?) but it has only just received a release date (October this year) and a trailer. It seems very different from the novel, far more light-hearted comedy, but perhaps just the way they've skewed the trailer. Who knows, I trust Johnny Depp to do HST proud so I'll definitely be checking this out.

*I want to buy an iPhone just so I can buy this bookish case from Out of Print!

*I'm considering proposing to Tom just so I can hire Emily Bawn to create similar save the date cards for our wedding. Hint, they're far more undead than the usual save the date fare!

*Melbourne Writers Festival is in full swing (finishes on the 4th September). I've been enjoying keeping an eye on the twitter updates, if you want some bookish tweets by and about wonderful authors and books follow them here.

*By the time this is posted Hurricane Irene should be over and hopefully all have come out the other side unharmed and with minimal (if any) damage to your homes/neighbourhoods. Hopefully you all fared better than Tucker Barnes. Yuck!

*Gelaskins have partnered with Geek Cool to sell their vinyl device covers to us in Australia. So if you have an mp3, smart phone, laptop, game console you should take a look and start personalising your things! I personally recommend the Bookshelf (on my Nintendo DSi) and the Dr Gonzo (on my iPod) for some bookish wickedness!

*The new season of Doctor Who is out! Yay!


  1. I love Out of Print. I could spend so much money...

  2. Me too. I am yet to actually buy anything from them because I can't choose just one thing!



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