Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sydney Blogger Catch Up

Good morning fellow bloggers!

At the end of February (Feb 27th to be exact) Harlequin Australia is hosting a summit which I know a few of us bloggers are heading to. Because it's the perfect opportunity to finally meet one another face to face Shelleyrae and I (although mostly Shelleyrae, I just put the initial call-out out) have organised a meet at the Chelsea Hotel in Chatswood, Sydney for anyone in the book blogging world who wants to come.

If you're going to be at the Harlequin summit, or are in/around the Sydney area, hope over to Goodreads and RSVP on the Aussie Book Bloggers page. Details will be updated there.

It's going to be absolutely magical to meet everyone, and finally put some faces to the writing and online personalities I've gotten to know. So hopefully you can come, and we'll all have a fancy-pants time!


  1. I'm looking forward to it!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Me too Shelleyrae! I booked my flights and accommodation earlier this week!

  2. I wish I could be in Australia and thus go to this shindig. Alas. HAVE FUN!

    1. It only takes, like, 36 hours to get to Australia so it's absolutely something you should do, because we're young and stupid and it isn't a ridiculous idea at all!

      Ooooooooor, we shall just have to have some sort of US blogger catch up when I come over at the end of the year. A bookshop crawl, with bar stops in between each bookstore. That's a thing right?

    2. OMG yes let's do the one that doesn't make me get on a plane for 36 hours and where you're ALREADY planning to do it. And a bookshop crawl can totally be a thing.



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