The Premise
Ned, our adorable eyebrowed leading man, is a pie-maker with the gift of bringing the dead back to life. With a touch of a finger he gives them life, with a second touch they die again for good. Together with grumpy PI Emerson, Ned solves crimes by reawakening the dead and asking who their murderer was. One such victim turns out to be his long lost childhood sweetheart, Chuck, a girl so sweet she gives me cavities every time I watch her on screen. He brings her back to life, falls in love, but alas can never touch her or else she'll die for good this time. Pies, murder and lovely love ensue in this clever, quirky and heart-warming show.
Check out below for the goodness...
1. Lee Pace as Ned, protagonist, pie-maker, owner of adorable eyebrows.
3. The synchronised swimming, agoraphobic aunts
4. The charming costumes
5. The sweet crusted store front
6. Chuck and Ned's proxy kisses and embraces
7. Olive's random burst-into-song moments
8. Emerson Cod's sassiness
9. Jim Dale's charmingly charming narration
10. PIE!