Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Top 10 Tuesday: Books I hope Santa brings.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

This week: Books I hope Santa brings this Christmas!

1. 1Q84 - Haruki Murakami

2. The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin

3. Haroun and the sea of stories - Salman Rushdie

4. Big Fish - Daniel Wallace

5. The Sea is my brother - Jack Kerouac (OH PLEASE SANTA PLEASE!)

6. Pnin- Vladimir Nabokov

7. How it feels - Brendan Cowell

8. Nightmare Japan, Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema - Jay Mcroy

9. House of leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski

10. The Stand - graphic novel adaptation (minus book 1-3)


  1. Great list! Hope you get some of these :)

  2. Looks like we have very different taste in books. I still wanted to make sure to wish you a merry Christmas. :) The only thing there I recognize is Left Hand of Darkness and I read that a *long* time ago for university.

  3. Pnin! It's good. Although not as good as Lolita. But still good. I approve of your list :)

  4. I have IQ84 on my list too! Hope Santa brings you some from your list.

  5. I really need to get IQ84, too. I have a library copy, but what are the chances that I'll finish it before my two weeks are up?!

    Here's my Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings.

  6. I hope Santa reads your blog. A great selection of books.

  7. Love Murakami and Nabakov. Great choices! I hope you get all the books you want for Christmas!

  8. Good stuff. I have lots of these, sitting unread on my shelves. I have read House of Leaves though, and I think it is the kind of book you want to own, just because it is so interesting as a physical object. Hope you get some great gifts!

  9. I'd heard a lot of good things about LeGuin, and loved some of her quotes. I read The Left Hand of Darkness a couple years ago, and I wasn't that thrilled by it. Maybe I just picked the wrong one of her books to read first.

    The graphic novel of The Stand is interesting. I wouldn't be able to read it at night, though!

  10. @Deb, I don't know, can you perhaps call in sick to work and read from 9am-9pm everyday? You might get through it that way!

    @LBC, that's what I've heard about House of Leaves. It sounds so interesting, I really can't wait to check it out. Hopefully mum got the hint when I put that one in bold on my chrissy list!

    @couchpotato, I'm yet to read anything by LeGuin, but that was the book recommended by an author (can't remember which) in a must read sci-fi article I read, so I think it'll probably be where I start. Hopefully I'll like it! The graphic novel is amazing, it's very, very close to the book and the art work is superb. It's as though they were in my head and drew what I imagined as I read it.

    @Ingrid, thanks! I hope you find a few books in your stocking too!

    @Laura, it'll be my first non-Lolita Nabokov, so I'm hoping I enjoy it, and perhaps my stomach won't turn quite so often with this one!



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