Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas goodies

Happy Boxing day all! I thought I'd share a quick little post about the bookish items I received this Christmas! Along with the much loved (and in some cases much needed) presents my friends and family gifted me this year, I did fairly well in the bookish area of gifts! From Tom's grandpa I got the 'book' bookends you see in the picture* (Now all I need to do is clear some space on my shelves so I can actually use them!), from Santa (read: Tom's way of spending more than the acceptable amount of money on me) I received Murakami's HUGE 1Q84 and from my Broke and the Bookish Secret Santa (Shelleyrae at Book'd Out) I now have Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami waiting patiently on my bookshelf. I also have three or four of the books for the 2012 League of Extraordinary Gentleman challenge awaiting me back home in Cairns, which unfortunately didn't arrive from the uncles in time for my mum to bring them down to Brisbane. All in all, a most acceptable haul of bookish items...hopefully I can get to them all, post haste!

Enough about me. How was everyone's Christmas?

*Sorry about the picture quality. I was feeling lazy so I just used my webcam which isn't a particularly good camera it seems!


  1. Nice haul! ;-) My family didn't want to feed my addiction so they steered clear of bookish gifts haha. It was a nice day though, sounds like you had a good one too! Yay!

  2. Ooh, you got the #1 book on my wishlist: 1Q84. So jealous! I only got one book this year, so it looks like I'll have to buy the Murakami for myself. Hope it's as great as they all say!

  3. It was a great day Belle! Glad yours was equally delightful, even if it wasn't particularly bookish!

    @Crowe, I really hope so too! It's so huge though, I'm a little daunted about beginning it.

    @Angie, thanks! I think they're gorgeous, but I have no half empty shelves to use them in...might have to just display them somewhere!



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