Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Links

 *It's no secret that I'm not a Twilight fan. In honour of my disdain, I present you with the BEST Breaking Dawn (film) review that has ever been created.

*Literally Unbelievable is a website which displays the many, many facebook statuses where people have taken The Onion stories as fact. Stomach churningly stupid people are absolutely hilarious!

*I always, always wanted to have a bookcase that led into a hidden room, or down a secret passage. One lovely human being has created a wikihow page about how to build a hidden door bookshelf. I don't think it's something i'll be attempting any time soon (me and woodwork...not so much) but if any of you are handy with your hands, you should totally do it!

*A neat little video of Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting) speaking at the Wheeler Centre.

*Wanting to take on a couple of challenges next year but you aren't sure which to pick? How about Pulitzer winners from years ending in a '2', or heartwarming animal stories? For a definitive guide of all the challenges being posted around the bookish blogs head over to A Novel Challenge.

*I really enjoy the blog Entropificus. The fantastic artist behind the blog took up the challenge to draw "what Claudia Kishi wore" during all the descriptive portions of Baby-Sitter Club books describing Claud's wacky fashion. She's now begun to draw some of the Harry Potter gals in the same way, first up was Luna and she's just delivered a gorgeous rendering of Ginny at Bill and Fleur's wedding. Check it out!


  1. Best Links EVER! I heart all the Claudia Kishi outfits, and Literally Unbelievable might be my new favourite thing!

  2. I know right, I scrolled through so many pages of Literally addictive. It's hard to imagine anyone is actually that stupid!

    I always wanted to look like Claudia when I was a kid. She was so cool.

  3. Haha, it made me giggle a lot Kathy!



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