This is going to be my final Monday Links post until I get back from my holiday (SQUEEE!) because scheduling reviews I can do, scheduling links posts is just bonkers. BUT I am planning to upload a few holiday posts here and there and maybe some holiday mini-reviews. I don't know exactly but the blog definitely won't be empty for the next 5 weeks.
*Guillermo Del Toro's vampire novel The Strain is being made into a TV show for FX. Now I'm even more excited to listen to the audiobook version I downloaded for my holiday! (Via The AV Club)
*Because Christmas is nigh, here is a list of bookish gifts to get the bookworms in your life (Via Buzzfeed)
*In honour of the recently aired Doctor Who anniversay episode, here are a bunch of functional TARDISes (Via Mentalfloss)
*I'm not going to make it to New Orleans on my holiday, but I am bookmarking this "literary tourism" post for future travels. (Via Bookriot)
*One of the reasons I love indie bookstores is the creativity they can use in their displays, take this Perth bookstore Kaleido Books, for example. I LOVES THEM. (Via Buzzfeed)
*Rolling Stone did a huge profile on Charles Manson this last week and it is pretty epic. (Via Rolling Stone)
*Catching Fire is out! I haven't seen it yet (maybe tomorrow night?) but a bunch of bloggers have. Here's Preeti's (Bookriot) take, Belle's (Belle's Bookshelf) gif-filled review, and a non-book-reader opinion (Uproxx).