Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Winter Reading

So since I don't have a review today (I'm tossing up whether or not to write a review about the Stephen King/Joe Hill short story I just read) I decided to do a filler post, because I know how desperately you all wait to read my iridescent prose *nudge nudge* riiiiiight?

And what better than a winter reading post? Everyone loves to know what I'm reading right? And what we weird Australians read in our non-summer months? Anyway, this is a mix of 'how is this still unread', 'this needs to go back to the library' and 'just saw the film, let's read the book' books. And you might notice how small and comforting they all are, I'm dangerously close to burning out people.

Anyway, here's the obligatory photo of said stack.

I've had Eleanor and Park since I finished Attachments, but I've been so scared to read it because then there will be no more Rainbow Rowell (until Fangirl comes out) and I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.  How have the rest of you survived? SERIOUSLY.

I bought Mother Tongue in January for a particular reason. A reason I no longer remember. But read it anyway I will.

N.P has been sitting sadly on my desk for months and I keep overlooking it but NO MORE! Yoshimoto is sooooo good, and I need goodness in my life. Also, since I might be in Japan this October I feel like I really should.

Look Laura! Caitlin Moran! Now I can get those references you make!

I began The Drawing of the Three a month ago and put it down to concentrate on Harry Potter so maybe it's cheating to put it in this list, but I am going to read it this winter so what list should I put it on huh?

Cloud Atlas... Ugh, I didn't particularly like the film and I'm starting to feel like I won't like the book. But I got it as a Christmas present and it's one of those books I feel like I should read. So maybe. It's probably at the bottom of my to do list.

And finally Skeleton Crew. I know I've already got a Stephen King on my list, but this is Stephen King short stories and I watched The Mist a few weeks ago (it was alright?) and it's in my shelves so onto the list it goes!

So yeah! Yay reading! And yay hopefully not burning out!


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