Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Links

*Anyone else got the Game of Thrones blues? Well this blog looks at the relationship between Norse mythology and the Game of Thrones world and it is AWESOME. (Via Game of Throne and Norse Mythology)

*I find Taylor Swift boring and her "don't call me a feminist" stance mind-boggling (seriously, how is any woman not a feminist?) but the Feminist Taylor Swift twitter account is awesome. I would probably listen to her songs if these were the lyrics. (Via Twitter)

*I'm still too scared to read any James Joyce, but even I can appreciate the awesomeness of this recording of Joyce reading Ulysses. (Via Flavorwire)

*I wish I was artistic. Tatsuo Horiuchi makes art using excel spreadsheets. I still don't exactly know how that's possible. (Via Spoon Tamago)

*There's a documentary on J.D. Salinger coming out later this year. Follow the link for the trailer and a bit of info about the project. The trailer's a little questionable but the subject matter is wicked. (Via Slashfilm)

*Here are some fancy ladies dressing up as different iterations of Doctor Who (Via Buzzfeed)

*Been looking to get into comics or experimental novels? Why not combine the two? By the way, if anyone wants to buy me a copy of Building Stories, please and thank you. (Via Flavorwire)


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