Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Links

*An amazing art installation in Melbourne combined literature with traffic. The sheer size of it is amazing, plus books! (Via Luzinterruptus)

*Something light for a Monday morning...Writers discuss death and mortality. (Via Flavorwire)

*An interview with J.K Rowling because...well, because it's J.K Rowling (Via The Guardian and Laura @ Devouring Texts)

*Author Dr Anita Heiss (and one of my festival faves) ran down a few of her favourite BWF moments on her blog (Via Anita Heiss Blog)

*In 10 days I'm heading off for a short holiday to China to see my sister! I've decided I'm not taking a single physical book with me (packing space is tight, yo) so I need you all to recommend which audio and e-books I should download! aaaaaand GO!


  1. ZOMG YOU CAN JUST GO TO CHINA PRETTY EASILY Whyyyy do I live in such a laaaame place?!

    Ahem, anyway... You should probably download The Casual Vacancy to go with you, because obviously it's going to be awesome. Annnd... That's all I can think of haha!

    Take many pictures in China, yes? :)

    1. Live in a lame place? Dude! It costs me like $2000+ to fly to any of the hundred countries on your side of the globe! YOU'RE lucky!

      I'll take so many photos, I'm going to try and get a bunch on Instagram straight away, and then i'll upload a huuuuge collection when I'm back in Australia.

      Also, I really want to read The Casual Vacancy but I'm also a little scared...what if I don't like it? Will it ruin HP for me? I know how ridiculous that is, but I'VE NEVER BEEN ONE FOR RATIONALITY!



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