Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Links

*10 authors who write fan-fiction  (via The Daily Dot and Belle's Bookcase)

*Philip Roth's open letter to Wikipedia after they published errors about The Human Stain (Via The New Yorker)

*Here are the first ads of some very famous or amazing books. Such an interesting post. [The Diary of a Rapist ad is my absolute fave] (Via Brain Pickings)

*A writer gets their revenge with this rejection letter to a rejection letter (Via The Morning News)

*You guys, these guys make special blends of teas for Fandoms!! Well only Serenity and Locke and Key so far, but they look delish! (Via Adagio)

*The top 20 books most often discarded at hotels...or travel lodges anyway (Via The Telegraph)

*An anatomy of the book review. Plus a bunch of interesting links. (Via The Millions)


  1. Ah, I'm so happy people left The Help behind. Good call. Also, I love this comment: "You mean to say that the most popularly bought books are also the most likely to be left behind in a hotel? Shocking."

    Sarcastic fucker!

  2. Dude, I wouldn't pick up a copy of 50 Shades anyway, BUT especially not in a hotel room...ew!

    The comments section of that article was pretty great, ^ comment especially!



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