Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top 10 Tuesday: Books to read this summer

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

1. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

2. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

3.Animal Farm by George Orwell

4. Nerd do Well by Simon Pegg

5. IQ84 by Haruki Murakami

6. Harry Potter 1-7 by J.K. Rowling

7. The Dark Tower by Stephen King (as many as possible)

8. Portrait of a Killer- Jack the Ripper by Patricia Corwell>

9. Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis

10. Manic Streets of Perth: Anthology by Dave Franklin

These aren't really "summer reads," more like "reads I don't get a chance to attempt when I'll in the middle of a uni semester".There is very little chance I'll make it through even half of these books this summer, but I'll do my best to make a serious dent! Most of these books are the big fat novels I avoid when I'm busy because I like to take significant chunks out of books when I read them, rather than spend two months reading bits and pieces at a time. Others are new (ish) releases or series that I'm desperate to finally get a start on. Harry Potter 1-7 are the only re-reads, and it's a re-read that I do every summer. On average it takes me about 1-2 weeks to read through them and reacquaint myself with my beloved characters and the school I always wished I went to.

I'll be sure to post some pictures of me reclining on the beach in Northern NSW with a book in hand for all of you battling your winter chills!


  1. I did that thing again where I went 'Summer?!' and then went, 'Right, Australia, duh.' Have to stop that...

    And and and READ ALL THE DARK TOWER BOOKS! Forget all the other books exist. That is an order :)

    Also, "I'll be sure to post some pictures of me reclining on the beach in Northern NSW with a book in hand for all of you battling your winter chills!" Thanks. Thanks a lot. Not.

  2. In fairness, if you responded with "I'll take photos of me spending Christmas in a winter wonderland" I'd probably blow up with jealousy!

    Dark Tower is definitely at the top of my list at the moment, can't wait to read more!

  3. Animal Farm is brilliant. And I'm sure you'll enjoy the Potter books (#4 is my fave!).

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesdays post.

    And my Teaser Tuesdays post is here. :)

  4. Very interesting list. Have not read Animal Farm but definitely want too.

  5. Everything I've heard about Animal Farm has me believing it's a book I'll really enjoy, but for some reason I haven't yet read it. Hopefully this summer will be when I break through that boundary!

    I'm not sure which HP would be my favourite. #4 is great, but perhaps number 3 or 6. Ah, who am I kidding. I can't pick just one, it's like picking a favourite child!

  6. Harry Potter 1-7 definitely read it yay~

    Totally love your list!

    Here's my Top Ten List
    Jay @ We Fancy Books

  7. Ah, well I would take pictures of me in a Winter Wonderland, except that it never snows on Christmas :(. And right now, it's mostly just grey and dim and nasty :(. If it snows though, I'll put up some pictures so we can generally just make each other jealous!

  8. Wonderful list! I just added Animal Farm to my TBR list because of your suggestion. :)

    Here's my Top Ten: http://palmtreesbarefeet.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/top-ten-tuesday-books-on-my-winter-tbr-list/

  9. The only one I've read on your list is House of Leaves. It's spooky. I have a DFW phobia that I really need to dive in and get over. Happy summer reading! I'd say I was jealous of summer, but it is still 70 degrees here and I could use some winter.

  10. LBC, I know that phobia well. But I've had a couple of people tell me that I HAVE to read this one, so I'm going to try and push through and make it out the other side a recovering DFW phobic!

  11. I'm going to hate you when you post those photos!!

    You should have joined in my HP read-along reading marathon! It's been so much fun re-reading them without big gaps, and then watching the films.

    Quite a few books here that don't sound familiar. I really hate how Aussie books rarely get published here - and you probably don't get many Canadian authors either? Manic Streets of Perth sounds awesome!



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