Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Exciting News!

Hey there Nylon Admiral readers, have I got news for you!!

My boyfriend, Tom, and I have just launched our very own blog! We often spend our bus rides discussing all the projects we want to work on together, but we've finally done something to put our words into motion and last night we made our blog Hail Horrors, Hail public! So far it's fairly new and unpolished but we're hoping to really set it up, design-wise, in the next couple of weeks and make it a blog you'll all want to spend time visiting.

In some ways it'll be quite like this one, except it'll both be greater in scope AND more specific. While we'll be reviewing films, television shows, games and music as well as books, they'll all be of the horror persuasion. As most of you know, I've just finished an honours thesis in zombie film studies, and plan to move on to my PHD next year (fingers crossed) in the same area, and Tom is equally as enthusiastic about devouring content and then regurgitating opinions on this fantastic subject area and genre.

My first few posts will probably be slight re-writes of reviews I've written on this blog but Tom has some great reviews ready to launch about films we saw during BIFF, and let me tell you, you're really missing out if you don't take a few minutes to check out his wonderful and insightful opinions! OK, so that was the girlfriend in me coming through pretty strong, but really, they'll be great and well worth a read.

Anyway, it'll mean a lot to me if you guys head over there (not that there is much to see at the moment)  and join the little community we hope to create. I promise it'll be great fun and full of zombies, vampires, ghouls, ghosts and serial killers...light stuff really!


  1. Sounds like a great idea for a blog :)

  2. Thanks Kathy! Hopefully we manage to keep it up and really make it into something.



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