Like (almost) all of the book bloggers online I owe a great deal to the wonderful magical world that J.K. Rowling created. With only 60 days to go until the final chapter of the Harry Potter saga goes global I thought I'd pay tribute to the amazing series with a series of my own. Every Wednesday until the film's release I'm going to dedicate a post to Harry Potter, discussing the characters, plots, language, costumes...anything and everything about the books and the films we all love so much.
It won't be a challenge per say, but if anyone wants to join me I'll be posting the next week's topic underneath each post, so by all means write a post with your opinion of the topic and post the URL in the comments section, I'd love to read them. Similarly if you have any suggestions on topics I should cover shout 'em out in the comments and I'll do my best to give them a go!
Week one(18th May): I'll be discussing the dynamic of the terrific three (Harry, Ron and Hermione) and why I think it works.