Friday, May 20, 2011

Follow Friday

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by the one and only Parajunkie!

Each week a myriad of bloggers answer a question that helps their readers know a little bit more about themselves. This week the question is what are 5 quirky habits or things about you? 

My answer: My life is full of weird and quirky little habits but I'll try to just narrow it down to five!

1. I can't read a book if it is the movie edition with the film poster on the cover, don't ask me to explain it, I just can't!

2. I have major issues falling asleep. I'll be so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open but the second my head hits the pillow my eyes are wide open and my mind is racing.

3. I'm extremely unadventurous with my food which I blame on my dad since his primary meal is meat and three veg and he is incredibly picky (he doesn't even like rice!).I'm not quite as bad as he is but I certainly don't seek out anything that is gastronomically out there!

4. When I'm walking along a concrete path I jump from one square to the next and can only have one foot touch each square (unless it's really long then I allow myself two touchdowns).

5. I have a thing for the underdog, for instance each year there is a Rugby league series known as the 'State of Origin' which pits Queensland against New South Wales. Living in Cairns, Queensland everyone went for QLD so I went for NSW so they'd have at least one fan watching the game up north, even though that meant being ridiculed mercilessly if they lost or hounded if they won.

So there is my list, what are some of your quirks?


  1. LOL love reading all your quirks. Shamefully I have to admit that I am not a fan of football. When it comes on tv, I switch channels or do something else. How very un-Australian of me! #4 made me laugh. I used to do similar things like that when I was younger - couldn't step on certain cracks or I just *had* to go step in that puddle twice... pretty sure I had OCD when I was younger though.

  2. Hopping by and now following, too. I agree with your anti-movie poster book sentiments... I'll always avoiding buying the movie cover copy of a book.

    Take care & happy reading,
    Ms. C

  3. I'll be honest Brodie I only watch State of Origin because it's practically a religion up in Cairns! Football isn't my cup of tea, especially Rugby!

    @Ms.C nice to meet you and meet a fellow movie cover hater! It's good to know i'm not the only one!

  4. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I am a new follower; I'm a Sydney-sider so NSW for me ;)

    My answers for this week hops are at

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Hi,
    Just hopping by and following through. I don't care who wins - even though I live in Sydney LOL

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  6. I don't like movie editions of books either!

    I'm a new follower! :D


    Please feel free to stop by my blog -

  7. You can't read one...i don't even bother going near a book that has the movie poster as a cover. I don't know why, but i just don't. Something just puts me off about it!

  8. I hate movie tie in book covers too. They generally aren't as nice as the original. I refuse to buy those. Oh, and I have problems sleeping too.

  9. I completely understand about the movie covers on books. I hate them, especially when there are actors on the cover because I feel I'm being told to see the characters as represented by the actors and not as my imagination would render them. Also, movie covers rarely look as good as not-movie covers.

  10. I've actually got a post written to publish tomorrow that addresses my dislike of movie covers so I'm glad to see it isn't a post that would make people think I'm crazy and paying too much attention to covers!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi!

    I'm hopping by and following you with GFC inga.

    I liked your quirks, they were cute!

    You can find my answers here:

    inga from

  13. Hello. I'm a new follower from FF. I don't like movie posters as book covers, either. The movie is based on the book, not vice versa. It's definitely a pet peeve. Have a great weekend!

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  14. Same here on #2. It's really frustrating. But I always manage to keep a book on my bedside table so I can fall asleep easier.

    xo, Maria.

  15. New follower, hopping through!

    I have a thing for underdogs as well. :) And I totally know what you mean about being super tired, but not being able to sleep once your in bed!

    Happy Hopping!

  16. Thanks for stopping by and I am returning the follow! I hate when I am tired and can't fall asleep!
    Truly Bookish

  17. Do you like vegemite? I've heard it's an acquired taste and I wonder with your finickiness if you like it.

  18. Oh, I hate the movie covers for books! Gah. And that is so sweet you followed the other team!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  19. Hi! Thanks for the follow, I'm following you back :). I have the same problem, I can NOT read a book with the movie poster on the cover. It's just........ wrong. I feel like a traitor to original book for some reason. I can't really explain either. My mind also races at night and I have serious sleep issues so I can completely relate! I'm looking forward to your posts! ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte

  20. @Jenni I don't mind vegemite, but it has to be spread really thin. I think the only reason I like it though is because it's practically an Aussie icon and is the one thing mum always had in the kitchen cupboard!

    @Bex, Jen and everyone else who dislike movie covers, I've attempted to make sense of my dislike in a post I'm about to publish, let me know if it seems like a decent enough answer!

  21. Hopping through. New follower! I often have a hard time falling asleep. It can take 30-60 min.
    My IMM

  22. I totally get the sleep thing! I almost fear it! I make myself so DRAINED and tired so that I sleep instantly otherwise it would never happen *sigh*

    Awesome blog! thanks for stopping by mine!

    Returning the favour but I think im gonna follow! hehe!



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