Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bookish A-Z Survey

Because I'm hardly one to pass up the chance to remember those ridic chain letters from the 1990s in book blog form, here are my A-Z answers! Thanks to Alley and Sarah for posting this!

Authors you've read the most books from: I don't even need to go to my bookcase. I know it's going to be Stephen King, and it's always going to be Stephen King because for every book I read he publishes another 20.

Best sequel ever: Ummmmmm, shit. I'm going to say A Clash of Kings because I didn't think my love of Game of Thrones (which was heightened by the TV series) could be matched and ACoK trounced it.

Currently reading: Skeleton Key by Stephen King. I often find his short story collections a little hit and miss in quality but I also feel like they're the best look into how his mind forms ideas and plays with tropes so, yeah, awesome.

Drink of choice while reading: Whatever is in the fridge?

Ereader or physical book: Since I use my phone to read ebooks I'd probably have to say physical books because I find it hard to read anything for too long on my phone, but ebooks for travelling are where it's at.

Fictional character that you probably would have dated in high school: I feel like this is one of those questions which will haunt me when I'm in therapy in a few years. I'm going to say Charlie Weasley because OF COURSE Charlie Weasley. Although I've had crushes on the entire Weasley family at some in my life.

Glad you gave this book a chance: The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. I'm not the ultimate fangirl for this series yet, but after avoiding it on the bookstore shelves for years I'm glad I finally got over my aversion to popular books and gave it a shot. It's a really fun series.

Hidden gem book: Maybe Night Country by Bryce Courtenay. It's a teeny tiny, difficult to find book that's about a moment in his childhood which impacted his life and outlook.

Important moment in your reading life: I think that would have to be reading The Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys by Christopher Fuhrman. That's the book that changed reading for me. I read it at 11 or 12 and it just switched something on in my brain. Reading it now is like visiting an old friend so I can't even tell you if it's a good book because to me it's perfect and I have zero objectivity.

Just finished: Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and I'm still feeling waaaay too much to say anything.

Kind of books you won't read: Anything with a Stephenie Meyer or EL James recommendation on the front? I don't know, I've read and liked books I wouldn't have imagined liking but I definitely stay away from that supernatural faux-erotica genre.

Longest book you read: I can't be bothered actually checking book lengths but it's gotta the The Stand by Stephen King. And I'm so grateful to the second hand bookseller in Tasmania who recommended it to me when I was hunting for a new King book to read and made sure to recommend the longer/full version of the book. High five dude.

Major book hangover because of: Attachments and Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. They're just so wonderful it's hard to move onto something else straight away.

Number of bookcases you own: 5. And I need more because the damn things are so over-stacked I can't find anything.

One book you've read multiple times: The Harry Potter series. I reread it just about every year and I don't think anything else even comes close.

Preferred place to read: Just vegged out on the couch at home. With snacks within easy reach preferably.

Quote that inspires you: I'm really bad with the whole favourite literary quotes thing which is why I'll never get a literary quote tattoo. But I'd probably say something from Lord of the Rings, they're overused for a reason.

Reading regret: I can't really think of one. It makes me sad to think I'll never get a chance to meet some of my favourite authors like Richard Matheson and Bryce Courtenay but that's hardly a regret. I watch a lot of TV which cuts into reading time but I don't really regret that either. Not being better at writing reviews?*shrugs*

Series you started and need to finish: I'm always a little hesitant starting new series because they're such a commitment, so at this point I think the only series I've started but haven't finished is Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. Which I definitely will get through. Eventually.

Three of your all-time favorite books: I DON'T KNOW! I'm going to go with Four Fires by Bryce Courtenay, I Am Legend by Richard Matheson and The Stand by Stephen King, but don't hold me to that.

Unapologetic fangirl for: Rainbow Rowell and Warren Ellis. They are my jam.

Very excited for this release: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I'm pretty bad at keeping up to date with book releases, but this one I've been eyeing off for awhile.

Worst bookish habit: Reading the last page. I don't really know why I do this, I just tend to head back and read the final line or paragraph way before I should. Maybe I'm just impatient. *shrugs some more* But this is one reason ebooks are awesome, it's too much work to cycle through pages and back to where I was, so I just don't do it.

X marks the spot! start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: Needful Things by Stephen King.

Your last bookish purchase: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. The cover art is gorgeous and I felt like reading some YA, so bam, purchased.

Zzz-snatcher. Which book kept you up way late?: I feel like I've answered Rainbow Rowell and E&P way too much during this but it's the only appropriate answer. Once I started E&P I didn't put it down until it was finished, and it was totally worth being exhausted the next day at work.


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