Top 10 Books you find intimidating (or; proof that I over think everything)
Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
1. Anything Russian ever.
I really want to read the big Russian novels, and the ones I have read I (mostly) love, but holy crap they are intimidating. Partly because of their size, partly because of the names (seriously Russian authors, give a girl a break) and partly because of their status among readers and critics.
2. The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
I started reading this last year, but either the ebook I got was a terrible translation or the book itself is terrible. I had to give up and hope that I could find a better edition, but now I'm holding back because I want this to be one of the good ones damn it!
3. Ulysses by James Joyce
I really want to read James Joyce, any James Joyce really. But his reputation as a confusing and highly technical writer precedes him and I don't want to be one of those readers who just doesn't get it. One day I'll tear of the Joyce just won't be today.
4. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
I am slowly making my way through this monster of a book, but the size really makes it hard to commit to it 100%. As much as I love reading about a kindly priest and how many chairs he has, I also have a life and career to get on with as well!
5. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
This book is sitting on my shelf at home and I am definitely going to read it, but again, the size and the critical praise makes it hard to pick it over others. I'm always terrified of books failing to live up to the hype.
6. Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis
I've heard wonderful things about Lewis outside of the Chronicles of Narnia, but I've never gotten past buying the books and putting them on my shelf. Narnia was a beloved series of mine as a kid, so I think perhaps the intimidation is linked to these books retroactively impacting on my fondness of Narnia if they don't meet my standards.
7. The Casual Vacancy by J.K Rowling
I love Harry Potter ("what?!" I hear regular readers shout) so, like with Lewis and Narnia, I think I'm worried that if I don't like this I'll suddenly stop liking HP. I know how ridiculous that is, and yet...
8. IQ84 by Haruki Murakami
I got a copy for this the year it came for Christmas, and I have another two Murakami books waiting patiently in my shelf but for whatever reason Murakami intimidates the hell out of me. From every review I'd imagine this is exactly the type of story I'd like to read, but again (I sound like a broken record) the size and public praise holds me back.
9. 19th Century Classics
I'm pretty contemporary when it comes to picking reads, but I also love a lot of the classics I do get around it reading. For some reason though, books from the 19th century intimidate me more than any other classic. It might be because I've liked a lot less of these books (ahem, I'm looking at you Brontes and Austen) or *shrugs* who knows, but I do tend to avoid these books where possible.
10. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
I loved Attachments so much, and I immediately signed up to the Rainbow Rowell fan club and bought E&P. But I still haven't read it because I'm scared I won't love it. What if I hate it?! What if I never like another Rainbow Rowell again? I just can't live with that reality guys, I really can't.