Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Top 10 Tuesday: light and fun reads
Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by the fancy folk over at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's prompt is: 10 books when you need a light and fun read.
1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (review)
This book you guys, this book has it all. It's super fun, and full of 80s trivia and virtual reality awesomeness. If you haven't read this yet then you need to get onto it PRONTO.
2. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
I just finished this last week (review up later today) and loooooved it. It was a quick read and incredibly fun, a little silly and OMG so much talk about good hair!
3. Death: A Life by George Pendle (review)
This isn't the greatest book, but the concept is hard to pass up. For the first time we hear Death's life story, forget the rumours and the gossip, Death is going to set the story straight. It's darkly funny and a little bizarre.
4. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling
From Hagrid's big entrance (har har har PUN!), to Harry's first trip to Diagon Alley, and his first flight on a broom, this book is fun squared. The series starts to get dark pretty quickly after this, but this first book is such a classic adventure quest and only gets better with age.
5. The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett (review)
This little novella is charming. Utterly, utterly charming. It's about the Queen of England discovering reading late in life after years and years of following orders and waving regally from carriages. It's a beautiful little ode to reading, and it'll make you smile like a lunatic.
6.The Dark Tower series by Stephen King (review)
I'm halfway through the second book and while these are in no way light reading (although they aren't particularly heavy/dark either, at least not yet) they are THE BEST THINGS EVER. That's not even an exaggeration, it's scientific fact. I am having so much fun reading this book, and I can not wait to get onto book 3.
7. The Five Fists of Science by Matt Fraction and Steven Sanders (review)
This graphic novel is a bunch of fun. It's a re-imagining of the feud between Tesla (yay!) and Edison (booo!) with giant robots, science, and Victorian aesthetics. Even if you don't read many graphic novels you're sure to find this one a treat!
8. Charmed Life (Chrestomanci #1) by Diana Wynne Jones
Another TTT, another recommendation to read the Chrestomanci series. These are perhaps the most fun books I ever read as a kid. And as an adult. They're just super full of win. The main character, Christopher Chant, is basically a young Dumbledore with multiple lives. He's wise, and smart-alecky, and wears super neat clothes and goes on these amazing adventures and just read it already OK?
9. Locke and Key by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez (review)
Another graphic novel but this time a series. Joe Hill is Stephen King's son, and you can tell. There's horror aesthetics, a love of Lovecraft (so much so that the town they live is called Lovecraft) and an amazing story that unfolds in the most satisfying way possible. The art style is phenomenal, and the characters are realistic and brilliant. It's probably my favourite series at the moment.
10. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
I haven't read this book in years, but I still remember it as being ridiculously funny. And is there anything lighter than diary entries? No? No.
Top 10 Tuesday: light and fun reads
books|books I love|chrestomanci|graphic novel|Harry Potter|locke and key|meme|Stephen King|Top 10 Tuesday|
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