*^Picture from the GREATEST Tumblr in existence, Les Mean Girls. (Via Tumblr)
*Interested in some ways to better your writing? Well aren't you lucky, I have some right here... (Via Writing Forward)
*Hilary Mantel shares a few rules for writers. (Via The Guardian)
*Belle from Belle's Bookshelf interviewed me for her new series of bloggers behind the blogs posts. It's a little insane how many times I reference Harry Potter in my answers (Via Belle's Bookshelf)
*I place that blame squarely on Alice over at Reading Rambo. We're halfway through HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban and it isn't too late for you to join us! Come on, it's super fun and nitpicky and full of gifs! (Via Reading Rambo)
*I am extremely jealous that Canada is getting a glow in the dark dinosaur quarter. If I find one while I'm over there at the end of the year I'm going to frame it. (Via Gamma Squad)
I am re-reading Harry Potter right now too. About to start book 6!!