*Planning a holiday? Why not head to visit the home of a famous (deceased) author! (via NBC News)
*Ever been confused by when to use a semicolon? The delightful Oatmeal webcomic has come up with this handy guide. The best thing? It has dinosaurs! (Via The Outmeal)
*The favourite punctuation marks of writers. (Via The Atlantic Wire)
*Love him or hate him, you've got to respect Salman Rushdie for writing a thank you to independant booksellers (Via Publishers Weekly)
*A thought-provoking and kinda depressing article about women in film and why they aren't 'essential characters'. (Via Daily Life)
*"I know who I am because of the books I've read" A note from writer/editor/columnist Emily Keeler on reading. (Via Toronto Standard)
*Writer Jonah Lehrer has recently been caught for plagiarism in his books and articles, but why did he do it? (Via LA Mag)
*Let's judge books by their covers!! Here are 50 (mostly) awesome book covers. (Via Casual Optomist)