The Cape
Written by: Jason Ciarramella, illustrated by: Zach Howard (adapted from a Joe Hill short story)
Published: 2012
My Thoughts: What if the little boy who always refused to be separated from his security blanket cum superhero cape was reunited with it a decade down the track? Turns out it isn't the happy story you'd imagine! When Eric, a troubled (very, very troubled) young guy discovers his old cape's magical and can make him fly it has some bloody consequences. This is like the film Chronicle, only about 100X darker and far better actualised. Beautifully illustrated and a great story to boot, this is my kind of super "hero" story.
Grim Leaper (issues 1 and 2)
Written by: Kurtis J. Wiebe, illustrated by: Alusio Santos
Published: 2012
My Thoughts: This new series is kinda perfect. Lou, through some bizarre and supernatural occurrence, finds himself jumping into a person's body shortly before they die, and having to do this over and over. Amazingly, he manages to come across a gal, Ella, who is cursed with the same problem. Both have no idea who they'll wake up as (a husband, serial killer, teacher, or bus driver perhaps?) or how they'll die, but their death is imminent and makes finding one another all the more difficult. The series, so far at least, is funny and quirky and unique and I'm looking forward to seeing where the series goes. The love story brewing between Lou and Ella takes centre stage in these two issues, but I'm curious whether Wiebe will investigate the cause of their curse.
Wormwood, Gentleman Corpse (volume 1)
Written and illustrated by: Ben Templesmith
Published: 2007
My Thoughts: Ben Templesmith is the extremely talented artist behind 30 Days of Night and Fell, amongst many others. In Wormwood, Gentleman Corpse Ben takes on the role of illustrator AND author, and does a damn fine job at that. I don't know that I can adequately describe the insanity that is Wormwood, Gentleman Corpse, but suffice to say it involves a corpse possessing maggot, an immortal stripper, a robot that reminds me a little of Alan Moore and lots of things with tentacles. The writing is a little awkward at times, but the content, artwork and attitude of the story makes up for any minor dips in writing quality. Looking forward to the next few volumes!