Friday, April 27, 2012

Fanart Friday: Miscellaneous

Hello everyone! I am alive, I swear! I'm a month out from my stage 2 proposal, so shit has been crazy round my way, hence the quietness on the bloggo-front! I'll hopefully manage to find time to do some reading in the next week or so, unless you're all incredibly interested in reading reviews on dry film and cultural studies text books? I'm spending the weekend down on the Gold Coast for their film festival, so at the very least I'll have some film reviews to share with you all shortly!

In the meantime, here are a few art pieces on the sandman from Neil Gaiman's graphic novel The Sandman, and the unbelievably beautiful Jennifer Lawrence. Seriously, could she be more stunning? And cool? Damn I want to be her friend.

Sandman by Kyodainahera
The Sandman by Preacher212
Katniss by Black-Cherry007

Katniss Everdeen by Blackfeatherz29

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love your black and white drawing of Katniss. So much talent..



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