If you've read any of my Top 10 Tuesday posts you'll be well aware how much I loved reading
The Chrestomanci Series growing up (and still do for that matter). As I sat at my computer wondering what book to do next for Fanart Friday I almost punched myself when I realised I've never yet focused on this marvellous series filled with magic, multi-lived (which is definitely a word) wizards, dragons, mermaids, parallel worlds, dream walking and all other kinds of fantasy goodies. Before becoming a book blogger I never found anyone who'd read this book (except the people I eagerly thrust my copies at) so imagine my surprise (and delight) when I typed "Chrestomanci" into the Deviantart search field and found hundreds of pictures of my favourite characters and worlds!! Here are a collection but they're simply the tip of the iceberg. Do yourself a favour and follow the links and discover the others works these artists have created, and the other Chrestomanci art making the rounds of Deviant.