Happy Valentines Day people of the inter-webs!!
Regardless of whether you're spending this with someone special or just treating it like any old day I hope the 14th of February is a day of happiness and other good things.
Here in Australia it is just about over, and it certainly has been a wonderful day for me. Like so many people I spent it at work but when I finished at 5.30 I was greeted by my smiling boyfriend (and soon to be roomie) Tom with a bouquet of daisies and a lovely kiss. We spent the night together quietly eating the tasty dinner I made and watching TV. But the shining star of the day came in the special housewarming/Valentines gift I bought for Tom and myself.
The wonderfully talented and beautiful miss Lauren Carney, a dear friend and local artist extraordinaire created a customised portrait of Tom and myself tumbling down the rabbit hole á la Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It's an amazing piece of work that perfectly sums up both Tom and my individual personalities and the whimsical nature of our relationship. This picture will be taking pride of place in our lounge room, and every time I look at the darling caricatures I'll be transported back to this lovely Valentines Day on the eve of our co-habitation, in the relative early days of what will be a long and wonderful life together.
Image courtesy of the fancy miss Lauren Carney, visit her shop here |