Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join.
How cute is the new button for Top 10 Tuesday! After a few weeks away and far too busy I'm finally back and ready to display my top 10 books that I simply had to buy but am yet to read! I am one of those people who can't not buy books, I constantly have books pouring in from Amazon and if there is a second hand booksale on then I'll walk out with my arms full, so it would be impossible for my bookcases to not have a single unread novel in them. In fact I have quite a few books, so in no particular order...
1. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy- This book has caused me quite a headache. I hold certain books up quite highly and am unable to then just sit on a bus and flick through it on my way to class or for 10 minutes while I wait for dinner to cook. I was determed to find a beautiful old edition of this novel because I simply wasn't interested in reading a current publication available in the bookstores around the city, the covers being too dull or tacky or the paper quality thin and, well they weren't right. Finally after months and months of endless searching (apparently no one likes to get rid of their copies of Anna Karenina) I just gave up and picked up the least crappy current edition at Borders and took it home. It sat in my bookcase for months until I picked it up at the beginning of my uni holidays and got about 10 pages in before I put it down. Like I said I feel like I need to experience this book, not just read it, so it has remained in my bookcase, awaiting the time where I can take a fortnight to lock myself in a room and devour it in the way it needs to be devoured.
2. Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada - I heard this book mentioned on a blog or radio show and decided I had to read it, so while it was still fresh in my mind I snapped it up and added it to my collection. I intend to read this next after I finish the graphic novel interpretation of Stephen King's The Stand but since it has been well over six months since I bought it, who knows if it will actually be opened and read next!
3. Blindness by Jose Saramago - I had heard about Saramego and had wanted to read something of his and happened across this book while I was on holiday down in Melbourne for $5. Obviously I couldn't not buy it, so I paid my money and stuck it in my suitcase and have basically forgotten about it ever since.
4. A compilation of Dylan Thomas poety - I bought this on a whim, as I often buy poetry, and it was a stupid buy because it doesn't matter how good their poetry is, I'm always going to get bored after one poem and never finish it.
5. Psychogeography by Will Self and Ralph Steadman - I am a huge Ralph Steadman fan and seeing his name on the cover was enough for me to buy this book. I actually started reading it on my way home but because it is fairly large and didn't fit into any of my handbags it moved back to the bookcase and there it has settled.
6. The Shipping News by Annie Proulx - I bought this at a second-hand book fair for something like $2 and added it to my pile simply because I'd heard the title mentioned before and the price was too good to say no to. Annie Proulx is actually coming to speak at my university soon so perhaps I should pick it up and give it a read!
7. The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens - I bought this from the same book fair I bought The Shipping News and it was a steal for not only a Dickens novel I hadn't yet read but an absolutely beautiful leather bound edition from the 1920s. I don't even care if I never read it, I'll continue to sit and admire it on my bookcase for years to come.
8. Mao's Last Dancer by Li Cunxin - I bought this just after the movie came out and I had been to see it. By the time it arrived in the mail my interest had completely evaporated and never rekindled. Oh well.
That's it for me this week. I'm at my university using a computer so I'm writing this list from memory and my memory has failed to provide me another 2 books! So what books are lingering in your bookcases with their spines uncracked and pages unmarked?